Sunday, 26 January 2014

My poor attempt at organising.

During a rare moment of uninterrupted peace I sat down and went through my growing stash of patterns. It occurred to me that just making clothes willy nilly could well result in me having 20 winter/spring dresses ready for summer and a coat which I was disinclined to finish at the height of summer.
At last,I thought. I have organisation licked.
I thought too soon. By the time I was sat down, caffeinated drink number 5 had been quaffed and my calm moment of reflection and planning turned into a frenzied wild-eyed mania of page turning and trouser lusting.
So I am left with a projected wardrobe fit for a 5' 10" leggy type and not the Sasquatch-esq figure I have inherited through natural selection ( I'm still trying to figure out how evolution coupled these thighs with a larger bust. Given the lack of distance between the two I am often in very real danger of injuring myself during running, I presume my use in a wild situation would be to distract the pray through the sheer absurdity of it all.)
Does anyone have any tips on how to work out shape appropriate sewing?
Actually, does anyone have any tips on sewing organization all round?


  1. Too funny, we must have the same build. LOL I'm newbie sewer (seamstress, not a drain), 2 1/2 month addict". I haven't acquired many patterns. My current goals are straight lines, accurate seam allowances & cutting fabric without injuring myself! Current project: beginner quilt. Hope to move onto clothing soon. Of course that would require taking my measurements...scary thought. Found you on Google+, so far the blog posts are hilariously helpful!! Sorry can't be of much use but, wanted you to know I'm reading your blog & loving ever minute of it.

  2. Hi Connie :) Sorry, as my above lamentations should imply, my email is about as organised as my sewing/life/brain. Through sheer fluke I came across your message. I'm still trying to crack the straight line. I think if I get a decent run I get over excited and then wobble.
    Oh well, I've really into checking the sewing on ready to wear garments atm, and guess what? Even THEY aren't straight. I stick my tounge out at straight lines (and wipe away a tear at my 'curvy' ones )
    Thankyou for reading .
